Remote Working – Part 1: A Dirty Secret – with Dave Harms
Series 2: The how to getting employee experience right.
Dave Harms, partner at Valentine Thomas & Partners, specialising in senior searches for investment management firms across the globe, has an informed perspective on remote working, as it is a conversation he is engaging in with most clients.
We discuss remote working, the current context, and the how to think about a challenge that has no one answer! It’s a topic that Dave and I get involved in frequently, exploring what it can look like for companies and how to go about getting it right for both the employer and the workforce.
Remote working is a broad topic; some of the points we cover include:
- The Pros and Cons of remote working
- Examples in the news about different (and controversial) approaches to remote working
- Does reducing pay make sense from a deliverables perspective?
- The development of different roles to meet current needs in the workforce
- The impact of remote work on different groups gender pay gap
- The benefit of remote working for diversity and inclusion
- The challenge for company culture
- Impact on company reputation, recruitment and retention
- Finding the right fit between potential employees and company culture
- The courage to ask employees what they want and need
- Best practice for remote working
More about Dave
David is a partner at Valentine Thomas, an executive search firm that specialises in senior searches for investment management firms across the globe, with a focus on the markets in London, Europe and the US. David also co-leads the growing ESG practice at Valentine Thomas where his works includes hiring talent in the areas of sustainability, impact and SRI.
Links to contact Dave:
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