B Corp: “More than sparkly hotpants” – Chris Williams, Jennings
March is B Corp month and so who better to join me than Chris Williams, Sustainability Champion and Commercial Manager at Jennings, where they have just been awarded the badge?!
In this conversation, Chris helps us to understand:
- What B Corp is actually about
- What prompted Jennings to pursue the B Corp route
- What a values-based culture looks like
- What the B Corp certification process involves
- The benefits of the B Corp accreditation
- How to inspire companies to do business better, regardless of B Corp
- How to get started and resources that help
More about Chris
Chris is officially a Commercial Manager at Jennings but he has morphed the role into a Sustainability Champion & Eco Ambassador for the company. Chris is keen to influence, inspire & encourage other organisations in our community to do business better.
Links to contact Chris:
Website: jennings.co.uk
Facbook: JenningsOfGarsington
Instagram: @jenningsofgarsington
Twitter: @jennings_
Resources & References
B Corp UK (BIA) (bcorporation.uk)
About B Lab UK (bcorporation.uk)
Oxfordshire Greentech (oxfordshiregreentech.co.uk)
Siobhann Mansel – Make it Good
Mark Cuddigan & Ella’s Kitchen: The Good Stuff We Do (www.ellaskitchen.co.uk)
Workplace Culture: 14 Steps – It’s Time for Change (itstimeforchange.co.uk)
Monument Community Trust (mct-oxfordshire.org)
Please contact Chris directly to request access to their B Corp specific Dropbox folder full of other useful resources to support you on your B Corp journey: chris@jennings.co.uk
Contact details for Lisa LLoyd:
LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/lisapsychology
Website: www.itstimeforchange.co.uk
Sign up to be kept in the loop: www.itstimeforchange.co.uk/jointheclub
Email: lisa@itstimeforchange.co.uk