is the theme for NAW2021, aimed at encouraging everyone to consider how apprenticeships help individuals to build the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career.
What better place to start than apprentices’ mental fitness for their role? I was lucky enough to spend the morning with The Department for International Trade (DIT), as part of NAW, exploring how to achieve the most from your Brain at Work.
Recognising the shift in working roles, towards requiring higher cognitive skills, and social and emotional skills, means our workforce needs to be equipped with strategies to:
✅ reduce mental noise
✅ organise the work space and time to maximum effect
✅ stay in the zone of optimal performance
✅ increase a sense of certainty and control
✅use the power of expectation to increase thinking and learning
✅ ‘zoom out’ to increase self-awareness
In other words, to enable the brain to function at its best so that we are able to engage, feel and perform well.
If you are interested in the future of your workforce, getting them brain-ready for their cognitively more demanding roles, drop me a line.
Or ask Amy Clements from The DIT for her opinion about the workshops I provided for her team.