Starting from scratch: Help! – with Mike Quinnell
I’m pleased to be speaking with Mike Quinnell, Commercial manager at Fugro in this episode. I have known Mike for a few years and have always been impressed by his commitment & determination to not only be his best at work but also to enable others around him to thrive.
Mike is an advocate of putting staff development and wellbeing at the top of his focus list to allow staff to perform to the best of their abilities, to develop themselves and to progress their careers. He recently took on the exciting challenge of creating a new team, and with the experience of his employees very much the centre of his agenda, I was very much looking forward to having this conversation!
The high notes we touch on along the way are:
- Why employee experience is important for us to get right
- How to convince our peers that this needs to be high on the agenda
- How we go about building a team culture centred around employee experience
- What employee experience means to me and my team?
- How we know if we’re getting it right
- How we look after ourselves in the process of developing this important aspect so that we meet the needs of others whilst also looking after ourselves
More about Mike
Michael Quinnell is a senior manager in an industry-leading meteorological and oceanographic (metocean) company. He first qualified in Ocean Sciences, later obtaining a post-graduate qualification in Coastal Engineering. Starting as a marine geophysicist surveying the seabed for cable routes, Mike progressed to an oceanographer position undertaking data analysis and site work, before moving into project and operations management. He then transferred to Singapore to start a new division where he progressed to regional director responsible for South East Asia region. He is presently Commercial Team Manager for Europe and Africa based in the UK.
Over a 24 year career Michael has been based in the UK, Norway, France and Singapore, and has supported Clients with projects in over 50 countries, yet he still believes that ‘every day is a school day’ as he continues to develop himself and his team.
Links to contact Mike
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