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Joining the Dots

Between Leadership, Mental Fitness and Performance

You might have gently sighed, stifled a yawn or grumbled something about ‘not again’ as World Mental Health Day came around again.

I’m not surprised. I’m sensing fatigue setting in about mental health and wellbeing at work. How much do we really need to keep talking about this? Is it really making a difference?

That last question is a good one.

Undoubtedly there will be a marked improvement in terms of how some organisations are supporting their people. But, there are still a lot of leaders and managers questioning the distraction away from focusing on the bottom line.

The theme of the day for 2024 was ‘It’s time to prioritise mental health in the workplace’ and so I joined the fantasticGuernsey Mind crew to bring you a business perspective. I joined the dots between mental health and wellbeing, work culture, leader and manager capability, and performance. This is about good mental health being a byproduct of creating the right environment for high performance. When you put it like that, it doesn’t sound so grumble-worthy, does it?

I want you to ask yourself this question: Are you focusing on the right things in our attempt to improve the mental health and wellbeing of employees? I’ll be helping you think about a different approach that really does impact.

Find out more by watching the webinar. It’s an interactive session that will provide you with your own personalised plan to take away to achieve more of what is important to you. So get your pencil and paper ready!!


Watch the webinar here:


Find out more about Guernsey Mind’s Workplace Partnership and the fantastic support they provide here: Workplace partnership – Guernsey Mind