Companies, Own Your Flaws!
Something I bang on about a lot is stripping back complexity, quietening the mental noise and doing ‘better’ rather than doing more.
But it’s hard, isn’t it?
The idea of doing less when we’re so overwhelmed feels ridiculous.
The world is fast moving so surely it stands to reason that we have to run to keep up.
And us humans are complicated creatures so thinking ‘simple’ sounds too easy.
But if we keep adding more to what can already feel overwhelming then guess what, we don’t do very well. So why is it that this seems to be the mode of operandi?
Fear of uncovering the truth is a big barrier.
Will I be implicated?
Will I then have a responsibility to do something about it?
Not knowing where or how to start is another.
How do we relieve the load when we can’t think straight?
Unless we stop and analyse what is and isn’t working well for us, we stay in a loop, repeating unhelpful patterns.
Isn’t it time to step off that treadmill, slow down, shake off some of the weight we’re carrying around and take control of how we show up and perform?
Just a few thoughts I shared with Jamie Humphrey of ReechUs Wellbeing when I had the absolute pleasure of being his guest on the Not Another Yoga Class podcast. Who better to get stuck into the conversation about the need for companies to own their flaws?!!
Watch the full recording here: